When pump fails to operate, our Level Sense Sentry detects high water level and sounds an alert with a 90dB horn.
- Free text & E-Mail notifications
- 90dB horn
- Apple and Android Apps
- Supports multiple leak, float, and 3'rd party sensors
Level Sense Sentry:
- Can connect to an unlimited amount of sensors into two inputs
- Which provide E-mail and/or Text Message
- Use any float switch and nearly any 3rd party sensor that gives a contact closure or analog input
- Cloud enabled water/liquid level sensor. Get alerts when level crosses a set threshold. View status on the APP or website.
- Inputs can be configured in the APPs or Website as Normally Open or Normally Closed to work with any sensor.
This SKU comes with (1) included float switch.
- Additional float switches can be added by searching Amazon for ASIN B01A4RZULM
- Additional leak sensors can be added by searching Amazon for ASIN B079YB1T8J
Level Sense Firmware now supports the following special characters in Wi-Fi Network name (SSID) and password: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
You can find the newest manual here:
The low profile float switch mounting bracket ensures that there will be no additional wires in the sump to inhibit proper pump operation.
Online access through's website will allow the user to:
- Input the e-mail addresses and text number for notifications
- Review the alarm history of up to the last 45 notifications
- Structure which alarms go to Email notificaitons or Text Notifications
- No service charges. Your cellular carrier must have an EMAIL2Text Gateway (most do).

Detecting Pump Failure through High Level Detection
In any case that there is a problem in the sump - there is one common result - the water level rises above the pump. Level Sense uses a custom designed bracket which detects the water level if it comes over the pump. Other systems use a tethered float switch which has a potential to get caught on the pump or the walls of the sump. The mounting method keeps this magnetic detection device clear and uninstructive of the operation of the sump. Notifications are sent out immediately upon high water detection to contacts of your choosing. There are unlimited email and text notification destinations.

iOS & Android Apps
Devices and Sensors can be set-up on the website or through mobile apps available for both Android and iOS. Your email and password will sync across devices, apps, and website for Single Sign On capability.

Lost Power Notifications
Level-Sense's Server Side Back-Up means that if your device goes offline due to power or internet loss you will receive a notification.

Magnetic Mount
Level Sense Sentry has internal magnets for quick mounting to metal surfaces in utility rooms .

Wall Mount
Level Sense Sentry can be wall mounted with included screws onto any wood surface.

Pipe Mount
Sentry can be pipe mounted using the internal cable ties and anchors that are shipped with the unit.

Everything is Included
Sentry comes with an AC wall mount power supply, head unit, removable terminal block, a float switch, mounting bracket, cable ties, screws, pipe mount anchors, embedded magnets and a removable terminal block for easy wiring.